Jan 12, 2014

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<div class="content-data">
   <b>Dear Customer,</b><br/><br/>The internet usage details of your airtel broadband account for the current bill cycle are mentioned below: 

<p><br/><strong>Details of your bill plan</strong></p>
<li>DSL number:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;01145874183_dsl</li>
<li>Balance quota:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.3&nbsp;GB</li>
<li>High speed data limit:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10.0&nbsp;GB</li>
<li>No. of days left in the current bill cycle:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;26</li>
<form name="form1" method="post"  action="staticTransaction.do">
<div class="blue-box">

   You can now retain your high speed by subscribing to any of our following Smartbytes data pack: 

         <li><input type="radio" name="valueAddedGroup" value='28276' onclick='SetValueAddedValue(this.value,1)' /> 
           Buy 512 MB for Rs. 59/-           
        <input type="hidden" id="alert1" value='Are you sure you want to buy 512 MB for Rs. 59?' />
         <li><input type="radio" name="valueAddedGroup" value='29811' onclick='SetValueAddedValue(this.value,2)' /> 
           Buy 1 GB for Rs. 99/-           
        <input type="hidden" id="alert2" value='Are you sure you want to buy 1 GB for Rs. 99?' />

         <li><input type="radio" name="valueAddedGroup" value='29812' onclick='SetValueAddedValue(this.value,3)' /> 
           Buy 2 GB for Rs. 159/-           
        <input type="hidden" id="alert3" value='Are you sure you want to buy 2 GB for Rs. 159?' />
         <li><input type="radio" name="valueAddedGroup" value='29814' onclick='SetValueAddedValue(this.value,4)' /> 
           Buy 5 GB for Rs. 299/-           
        <input type="hidden" id="alert4" value='Are you sure you want to buy 5 GB for Rs. 299?' />

         <li><input type="radio" name="valueAddedGroup" value='28277' onclick='SetValueAddedValue(this.value,5)' /> 
           Buy 12 GB for Rs. 449/-           
        <input type="hidden" id="alert5" value='Are you sure you want to buy 12 GB for Rs. 449?' />
         <li><input type="radio" name="valueAddedGroup" value='28278' onclick='SetValueAddedValue(this.value,6)' /> 
           Buy 25 GB for Rs. 799/-           
        <input type="hidden" id="alert6" value='Are you sure you want to buy 25 GB for Rs. 799?' />

      <input type="hidden" name="token1" value='bG9z5nUmmcpR'/>
   <input type="hidden" name="token2" value='eZ8bxZDvTJeTohNZ2FCOfJVvgQFew8ucEZpxGe7LNTNTgFwpB+TQmledCgp5beeAxIp6GqPUeLyI75/pUPdEdkjJfbZHmvFZ2jmtyhFZXLF2YGHixKemlY7nnCqozrfEW54+IYrQLMC5iQjupXBRxKITmwYliOecKTmNf4oRNsU='/>
   <input type="hidden" name="token5" value='1B02.0B122G910B1936003.00'/>
         <input type="hidden" name="token6" value='1.90G319602330.06G.6G6B..'/>
         <input type="hidden" name="token7" value='B020609G0G.B.666.B2.B9B31'/>     
    <input type="hidden" id="quotaValue" name="quotaValue" value=""/>    
    <input type="hidden" id="finalAddedValue" name="finalAddedValue" value=""/>
    <input type="hidden" id="alertValue" name="alertValue" value=""/>
    <input type="hidden" id="price" name="price" value=""/>
    <input type="hidden" id="quotaUnit" name="quotaUnit" value=""/>
    <input type="hidden" id="quotaValue" name="quotaValue" value=""/>
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 <a class="blinkredlink" href="javascript:updatePlan();"><img src="misc/gbod/common/newimages/up_hs_data_limit_blink.gif" alt="Upgrade Your High Speed Data Limit**" align="absmiddle"/></a>



<div class="after-blue-captcha" style="width:240px;">
      <li class="redcolor">
     <img src="Captcha.jpg" border="0" id="captcha" />&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="return reloadCaptcha('captcha');"><img src="misc/gbod/common/newimages/reload.png" title="Can't see image, Reload"/></a>
      <li>Enter the letters above</li>
         <input  name="answer" type="text" id="answer"/>
         <div class="after-blue-left" style="padding:0; margin:5px 0 0 0;">
        <a href="javascript: submitForm()">
        <img src="misc/gbod/common/newimages/submit.jpg"/></a>

<div class="after-blue-right2" style="width:426px; margin: 55px 20px 0 0;">
<ul style="list-style:none;">
  *Additional GBs purchased on airtel smartbytes are available for use in the current bill cycle only and will not be available in the next bill cycle. In case of plan change before the next bill cycle, the smartbytes GBs will lapse on tariff migration.<br/>*You can buy Smartbytes up to a maximum of 8 times in a bill cycle.
  **Plan upgrade will take 2 working days.
<input type="hidden" name="requestFrom" value="SMARTBYTES"/> 

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<p>&#169; airtel India 2013, all rights reserved.</p>
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